ISHRS is a global non-profit medical association and the leading authority on hair loss treatment and restoration. With more than 1,100 members throughout 70 countries worldwide, the ISHRS is dedicated to achieving excellence in patient outcomes by promoting the highest standards of medical practice, medical ethics, and research in the medical hair restoration industry.
The people behind the Exceptional Hardware Software Meeting in Hamburg used a focused ion beam (FIB) to etch a comic strip into a human hair. See the video below, but be warned that the audio might be a bit loud.
Source: BoingBoing
This patient had one Scalp MicroPigmentation (SMP) treatment on his hair transplant scar. The AFTER video was taken immediately after SMP, so you can see some redness on the scalp, which will go away in a day or two.
In general, SMP to a scalp scar takes two to three sessions. The patient above will come back in one week to make sure everything blends in. The redness you see in this patient is due to the fact that it was taken immediately after it was done and there was a little bleeding present. He will be able to shave his head or keep his hair long without worrying about the scar. For more information you can visit or email us at You can include a photo of yourself for a consultation. The most common questions asked about SMP can be found here.
Snippet from the article:
Trichotillomania, an impulse control disorder that causes sufferers to compulsively pull out their own hair and can often lead to both noticeable hair loss and social anxiety, affects between two to five percent of Americans. One sufferer, Valerie Vanone, joined HuffPost Live recently to share her story of battling trichotillomania, which began at age 12 and eventually forced her to leave school in order to seek treatment.
Vanone, who began pulling out her eyelashes as a pre-teen before escalating to pulling hair directly from her scalp, didn’t seek help until she was 24 years old, she told host Nancy Redd.
Read the rest — Trichotillomania, Hair-Pulling Disorder, Caused Me To Leave School
I’ve embedded the video interview below:
I watched a TED Talk recently that gave rise to many questions as to the actual percentage of sexual dysfunction/erectile dysfunction attributed to medications for hair regrowth. According to these scientific studies, hyper stimulation brought about by our internet lifestyle and in particular by pornographic images plays a major role in sexual desensitization that profoundly affects the intimate relationships with our partners.
I noted that the age group of men that had the most significant issues regarding sexual dysfunction aligned with the age group of men that sought solutions to hair loss and thinning with medications to prevent the fallout of hair.
I am not saying that the viewing of porn is to blame for all sexual dysfunction, only that there are co-factors that appear to significantly compound the problem. We wrote about a study that linked porn and ED a couple years ago here.
I have posted the video below and welcome your comments.
“Let the buyer beware” has been placed at the end of many of our posts. Researching your doctor is your responsibility. You must do the necessary research to protect yourself from doctors who claim expertise in the hair transplant surgery field and then can not deliver what they promote.
A gynecologist in Puerto Rico moved to California and set up shop doing hair transplants. Unfortunately, the reviews this woman found online for this doctor lead her to have surgery with him, resulting in horrible complications. I don’t know how much research was done beyond reviews (did she meet patients to see real results in person?), but I feel for this woman and her story should be a cautionary tale for everyone.
I found this video from NBC News in the Bay Area (Northern California), which I’ve embedded below. Warning – The photos shown in the video require a tough stomach.
In this video they talk about advances made in dandruff research in relation to studies made on malazzia yeast by P & G researchers and say that their looking for a cure. I know hair is your specialty not skin but do you know if P & G is likely to find a cure or better treatments for dandruff any time soon? I’m not complaining about the current treatments but I would love it if I could cure the dandruff aspect of my seborrhoeic dermatitis someday.
Link to video – YouTube
I’ve embedded the video above for those curious. It appears to be from 2008, but I’m not sure what has come of their research since then. I generally do not treat dandruff issues and I don’t really follow dandruff cure related news bits too closely, as I spend too much time already following up on supposed hair loss cures.
I realize you said you’re fine with the current treatments, but for everyone else — There are a variety of shampoos that are formulated to address dandruff, and it is worth trying a few of them to see what works best for you. Of course, the best thing to do is to see a good dermatologist.
Dr Rassman
I see that they are growing hair from laser. Is this laser different than what you have used in the past? These results are from the The Drs show in tv.I f you look at the women in the audience she had great results.
I’ve embedded the video here:
The results in the video look good, but they are not my experience. I had the identical low level light laser (Revage) about 5 years ago in my office. It was given to me free of charge in hopes that I would endorse the product. To find out if it worked, I offered laser treatments to all of my patients for free for up to a year. Not too many people came in to try it, but of those who did, I have before and after pictures taken.
The doctor in the video above says it could be up to $5000 per year for these laser treatments (and trips to the office a few times a week), but if you’re seeing results and have no other options, I suppose that could be worth the trouble. But if you end up seeing no or very minor results, that wouldn’t be surprising to me. During my yearlong try out on patients, I was not impressed that the patients experienced any impact on their hair, except from the hair transplants they got from me.
For those that didn’t see our announcement last week, check it out here — Breakthrough FUE Announcement by the New Hair Institute.
Below is a one minute video of our new technique for doing follicular unit extraction (FUE) that allows you to keep the donor hair long. We are averaging about 300 grafts per hour. Some patients are more difficult than others, so our hourly extraction ranges from 200-500 grafts per hour, depending upon the patient. With a traditional FUE when we do not have to deal with the long hair, our speed goes up considerably.
We use a specialized instrument that we have created for all of our FUE procedures and it has worked well for us for quite some time. So you might ask, “What is the difference between the standard FUE and the mini-FUE?” Simply put… we will not have to shave your donor area, as no haircut is required to get to the donor grafts. You can go back to work the very next day without the potential of anyone seeing a shaved area at the back of the head. What is mini about this procedure? It is smaller than our usual FUE so we call it a ‘mini’ procedure (mini-FUE).
All of the benefits of FUE without the downside of the social disruption. As you look at the video, note that the grafts are coming out with a long hair, so you see that no shave was done. Contact us at to schedule a consultation.
Watch the clip below (caution – surgical content):
I saw the video from the other day about the guy that drank his wife’s breast milk and said it cured his ED. That reminded me of something I saw equally as funny that you might like to see
YouTube – Chinese traditional qi gong treatment for prostate problems
From the description of the video — “Qigong (Chi Gong) healing techniques is said to shrink enlarged prostates and result in healing and improved sexual functions.”
Is seeing believing? It’s not hair loss related, but the first few seconds were enough to make me want to post this. Ouch!
This is a video I received which shows the use of nails to dilate the incisions in the scalp. This was more common years ago when doctors were learning the process. The nails were used to force open the recipient holes so that the doctor or his staff could place the grafts into the balding scalp easily.
Few, if any other doctors, use these today and those that did do it, eventually learned to do so with more delicacy. The use of dilators reflect the doctor’s comfort with the technique of placing grafts.
The first minute is worth watching… the ending part is an advertisement that I do not endorse. I’ve embedded the video below:
Easy at home hair transplant. What do you think about this doc?
This is not as far fetched as it seems…
I once had a patient come in for a hair transplant. I believe he was a phone consultation with photos sent in beforehand. So on the day of surgery, when I washed his hair before the transplant, his entire frontal hair came off in the sink!. He had glued it in place. This man was very upset and I felt like a fool by not knowing that is what he had done.
He was an African American with kinky hair, and let his natural hair around the glued hair grow long. He did a really good job with gluing the hair in place, and had me completely duped. He was very upset with me and as I believe that the “patient is always right”, I worked like hell to re-glue that salvaged hair pulled from the sink after I did the transplant. It was one of those unforgettable moments in my hair restoration career.
Of course, I wouldn’t recommend people doing this — but for a parody video, it really hit close to home.