Hi doctors. I’m a big fan of your work and this site. Thank you for what you do!!
I just saw this video by Dr Umar using beard hair taken with the FUE technique as the donor into the line scar from the strip technique. I know how you feel about body hair transplants and I agree that the results from using body hair on front/top of the scalp generally look unimpressive, but what about using body hair densely packed into the strip scar? Even if the hairs never get too long or have a different growth cycle, its just being used in the scar.
I have a scar and it doesn’t bother me, but if I have the option to essentially eliminate the appearance of the line I might consider something like this. I wanted to get your thoughts about using body hair for this and whether one could use hair from another part of the body for the same thing (why not chest hair for example). Check it out:
YouTube video
Thanks again
While I do have reservations about using body hair transplants, my biggest problem is when they’re used in the frontal hairline or top of the scalp. That being said, the use of beard hair to transplant into a linear scalp scar (from a hair transplant) is reasonable. The beard hair has a thicker hair shaft than most scalp hair and it would work well to fill in the scar.
I have used it on a limited basis, particularly when a plastic surgeon supplies me the beard skin after a facelift. The few cases I have done (one with FUE) have worked nicely.
As I mentioned in a past post, I cannot give an endorsement of Dr. Umar because I have not reviewed his work beyond what I’ve seen in YouTube videos. The video is impressive, though it is a bit long, so for those that don’t want to watch the whole thing just skip to about 2:30 to see how the linear scars disappeared.
Tags: hair transplant, scarring, scar, fue, bht, body hair, neck hair