Cloned Bladders, Cloned Hair?
I recently read an article about doctors implanting bladders into people grown from small biopsies of the owners own bladder. My knowledge is limited, but this sounds similiar to what Hair Multiplication doctors are trying to do (or are arleady doing according to Intercytex). Perhaps this offers hope that hair cloning may be a reality in the near future, and by near I mean within the next decade or so. Also, I tend to agree with the blogger who argued, in an unnecessarily distasteful manner, that HM wouldn’t take the same FDA approval process as a new drug would. Perhaps this bladder story is evidence of this. Of course, bladders are of more medical importance than hair, but I doubt they had to spend several years going through an approval process and I think the situation would be similar with HM. What do you think? Also, I say this everytime I post because I mean it, You are amazing for doing this blog. This is easily the most helpful hair loss site on the internet.
Yes, hair cloning and multiplication may be possible, but not as soon as some people want or expect. I say, the sooner the better for all of us. There are many private investors out there who pump a great amount of money for such hair research. Thank you for your interesting insights.
Although this post is from May of last year, can someone please answer the FDA question that the doctor failed to address?