Conspiracy Theory – Hair Cloning Is Intentionally Delayed By Corporations
Hi sir:
I just found this site and you have pretty interesting material. I would like to know if you know of any intentional delays in hair cloning/multiplication access caused by the FDA, corporation or any other very influential source because it seems like a mighty slow process compared to even bigger breakthroughs science have accomplished. Thank you.
How do you really expect me to answer this question? If there is a conspiracy, how would I know this? But really, the question I must ask — Why would there even be a conspiracy? Why would corporations intentionally delay the cloning? What is the motive? Sometimes I can’t tell if someone is joking around or if they truly believe something as nutty as this.
Corporations will win by making money with the new technology. The doctors will make money with performing more cloning surgeries. Balding men will benefit in managing their problem possibly without surgery. The technology is slow to develop, but treating hair loss is a multi-billion dollar industry, so it would make no sense for any for-profit company to delay a new treatment if it were ready to market.
Then again, perhaps there is a secret club of men with full heads of hair who do not want social and economic competition from their bald counterparts. Something to think about…
Why do you pick questions like these just to give smart ass replies?
If he ignores these sorts of questions, he’ll be accused of hiding “the truth”.. can’t make anybody happy
In response to the comment above, the doctor posts answers to questions like these to emphasize a point and to clear any negative thoughts people may have.
James, I have noticed your rude commentsbefore on a couple of other posts. The question now becomes, why do you always have to leave a smart ass reply yourself.
Far from a smart-ass answer, I thought Dr Rasmann’s response was extremely measured to a albeit sincere but misinformed and common type of post. Blog readers have difficulty understanding the drug development and approval process, which is very transparent but still complicated. Companies – if successful – spend a large amount of money and time on developing drugs (average of 10-15 years and $1 billion from discovery to approval). Of thousands of drugs in development, only 26 had good enough results to seek and receive approval last year by the FDA. Cloning has a likely shorter approval pathway. But, my point is that companies generate money as they become successful from public investing and the process of how they are doing at the animal, early clinical trial, and late stage clinical trial level is transparent and usually known from press releases and scientific publications. If they are lucky to have a process or product that is beneficial, they apply for regulatory approval and organizations such as the FDA are usually enthusiastic about approval if the risk/benefit (safety/efficacy) profile is good. The FDA does not slow down product A to spend time evaluating product B for a simple reason: all breakthroughs, unfortunately, that are major are very slow to translate from discovery to drug approval. Also, because of potential revenues from a successful product, there is no external organization (corporation or influential body) that can impede this process if they wanted to; sadly, the “impeding” is done from data that doesn’t turn out to be good. About 70% of drug development does not proceed beyond the animal stage because of toxic findings; about 70% of early human studies (called Phase 1 or 2) do not progress because of failure to find efficacy or adequate safety, and 50% of late stage trials (called Phase 3) do not progress because of efficacy/safety issues and in many cases, financial difficulties in supporting continued development. So, there is really no avenue for any external body to slow down a discovery with great data that progresses successfully through the lengthy stages of development and approval.
I forgot to add that – far from being a smart-ass answer –
Dr Rasmann has a great sense of humor and his responses to
these type of post questions are priceless.
Have you noticed aliens always appear bald ? Maybe that’s why they’re coming to earth, for the baldness cure.
And you thought it was just for the anal probing ! As the aliens say, what happens on tour stays on tour.
there is NO MONEY in a CURE…there is LOTS of MONEY in a treatment.
why heal people and send them on their way when you can create LIFELONG INCOME STREAMS, profit motive is the sole responsibility of a corporation to its share holders.
this is of course the primary excuse used by corporate entities when engaging in moral dubious acts. do your own research on companies like bayer, monsanto, etc. and how the revolving door between big pharma executives and FDA positions has shaped the face of the american medical institution.
connect your own dots.
This is something I’ve wondered about. As the above post infers, I don’t think that MERCK, for example, would be thrilled with hair-cloning! Then the question becomes, how much power do they have. I’d venture to say, as one the biggest American pharma companies, quite a lot.
It is indeed curious that in a multi-billion dollar industry a major medical breakthrough has not occurred in over a decade.