Did Stopping Rogaine Cause All Body Hair to Change?
Hello! I saw a long time ago that using minixidil could reverse a chronic telogen effluvium due to use of accutane. Now I have used rogaine and quit a couple of months ago and my texture in the hair has changed all over my body. Hair is losing pigment and the hair is going from dark brown to transparent. Why did rogaine destroy my hair and why is the hair on the rest of my body where I didn´t use rogaine also changing? Will I go completley gray all over and will I go bald? If I got an allergic reaction wouldn´t I reach a peak and the it gets better again? Thank you
When you use minoxidil, it is absorbed by the body through the skin. The more you use it, the more it is absorbed. I don’t know the effects of minoxidil on body hair through the blood stream, but I would not be surprised if some systemic effect occurred with this drug.
Unfortunately, I don’t have any experience with it to address your problem. I would use the Internet to try to find a local doctor (or doctors) who have established expertise with minoxidil and pose your questions to them.
yes, taking rogaine increases body hair but taking finasteride balances it out by reducing body hair by a similar amount. take both and you’re good to go.
rogaine is the most dangerous drug on the selfs at the grocery store the drug is a blood prssure drug the side effects have it banned by the FDA … plese dont use this drug