Do Hairs Visibly Fall Out When Balding?
Do hairs visibly fall out when you are balding? for example if you would move your hand throughout your thinning hair would there be a few hairs that would show on your hand most of the time?
Sure, I’d suspect running your fingers through your hair if you’re thinning would leave you with hairs on your hand. You will see the hair in the shower or sink, but a lot of hair will fall out throughout your day without you even realizing it.
Hair also falls out when your are not balding, or in areas of your head where you are not balding. These “non-balding” hairs are typically replaced with new hairs.
“Balding Hairs” will fall out and the scalp will eventually produce no other new (replacement) hairs.
Thus, not all hair that falls out is due to the balding process. For more info use the search option on this website – Dr. Rassman has written a lot on this subject.
haha thank you
seems like i wont have to worry about going bald for a very long time then :)