Do It Yourself Hair Transplant (Parody Video)
Easy at home hair transplant. What do you think about this doc?
This is not as far fetched as it seems…
I once had a patient come in for a hair transplant. I believe he was a phone consultation with photos sent in beforehand. So on the day of surgery, when I washed his hair before the transplant, his entire frontal hair came off in the sink!. He had glued it in place. This man was very upset and I felt like a fool by not knowing that is what he had done.
He was an African American with kinky hair, and let his natural hair around the glued hair grow long. He did a really good job with gluing the hair in place, and had me completely duped. He was very upset with me and as I believe that the “patient is always right”, I worked like hell to re-glue that salvaged hair pulled from the sink after I did the transplant. It was one of those unforgettable moments in my hair restoration career.
Of course, I wouldn’t recommend people doing this — but for a parody video, it really hit close to home.
This video is old,I saw it couple years back on youtube. I like towards the end where he says “look at that”, and then when the guy realizes there is a part where he missed he says, “don’t look at that”. Funny stuff.
I wouldn’t doubt that some people do this, the downfall would be you can’t swim, or shower and if somebody is horsing around with you he might rip it off or it could get stuck to his clothing. As well, if you meet a lady friend and get lucky that night, you wouldn’t want her to put her hand thru your hair and start pulling out chunks.
All in all, a really creative idea albeit a risky one.