Doctors Discouraged 19 Year Old From Using Propecia
Im a 19 year old male,and for the past year and especially the past 3 months my hair has thinned and receded almost an inch. Ive always been told i just have a large forhead so i shrugged it off, now im scared because i am afraid to go out without my hat on and i dont like this. Ive started rogaine but i feel like its gonna be pointless cause of how much ive already lost, im not ready to suck it up and shave my head yet. Both my docter and dermotoligist told me its just bad genes and i got male pattern baldness and discouraged propecia and vitamins. Ive died it 5 times in the last year, and i plan on dieing it again, because the darker color makes it seem as though i hav e more hair, both docters told me this doesnt affect it. Ive always had long hair and im not ready to lose it, am i to young for a hair transplant.
If you have genetic hair loss, you should be on Propecia, so I disagree with your doctors. Without a doctor / patient relationship, I can not make a diagnosis, but 19 is not too young for Propecia treatment in genetic male patterned balding. You need to have your hair mapped out for miniaturization to determine the diagnosis. You are clearly too young to think about hair transplants, particular without getting some doctor first to take care of your hair loss with appropriate medications.
Great advice from your doctors…NOT. What boneheads. So their attitude is “too bad for you, just accept being a cueball”? Either they’re cueballs themselves or have thick heads of hair, no doubt. Either way, their lack of empathy is shocking. I’d be switching physicians.
Forgot one more question? Since I am flight attendant, I use melatonine, is there a link between this drug and shedding?
Thxs Simone