Does DHT Cause All Genetic Hair Loss?
Is DHT the cause of all genetic hair loss? I ask because I have DUPA similar to my mothers type of hairloss which is hairloss all over with not balding pattern. Whats the best way to attack this, thanks.
The answer is different for each sex.
Male: DHT is the cause for almost 100% of genetic male pattern hair loss. There are other genetic diseases and other weaker male hormones made in the adrenal glands that can cause hair loss. Other diseases include the various alopecias (e.g. areata and totalis) and unique diseases that are generally not found in the United States. We know that if your testicles are cut off (this was done in mental institutions in the U.S. many years ago when we did not understand mental diseases) hair loss can be prevented. When these men were given testosterone, they lost all of their hair in months, as was typical for the family pattern.
Female: Women have some male hormones just like men have some female hormones. When these ‘male’ hormones are produced in high amounts in some women (example would be tumors that secrete such hormones), we have observed the impact of these hormones as they contribute to hair loss in genetically prone women. With women, our understanding is not quite as good as with men, because in men we have recognized the role of a single hormone (DHT) as the major cause of most hair loss. You need to have a complete medical workup for hair loss before assuming that this is a genetic process. There are many conditions that cause hair loss in women and it is dangerous to assume that it is genetic unless you take the right tests to rule them out.
testicles cut-off (castration) a sure fire way to reduce DHT levels by at least 99% lol ! surgical intervention, to cure MPB lol become a woman to cure MPB, hmm… leave Britney alone!!!