Does Hair Regrow If Pulled Out by the Root?
Hey, i just want to know if the hair that its pulled out from the root grows back up?
Also can harsh brushing of the hair lead to hair loss?
Hair pulled out from the root will regrow, but continuous pulling could eventually lead to permanent loss. Same goes for harsh brushing. If it’s ripping the hair from the scalp over and over, it’s possible that it could eventually cease to grow. I guess it depends on how harsh we’re talking… but generally, brushing your hair won’t cause a problem.
Does the same thing go for application of minoxidil? A certain amount of hair may be pulled out as one works the minoxidil into the scalp.
about three days ago I change my shampoo, I bought new brand. but after use it I my head feel hot and itchy, I checked my hair, but there is no dandruff… Could you please give me suggestion for this. Thank you