Does My Hairline Look Like It’s Maturing?
I’m nearly 18, and I wondered if this is the start of a receding hairline, or my mature hairline.
A few pictures attached, one with shorter hair, the others with longer, pushed back to reveal as much of the hairline as I can. My hair is naturally fairly thin anyway, but the corners of my hairline seem thinner.
I think we’ve been getting more and more of these really poor quality photos asking for a diagnosis lately. For the readers that want to send us photos, the images should be clear and have decent lighting.
So while I can’t really tell much about your hair loss (if any) from these pictures, I think most readers would be envious of your hairline. It appears to be a juvenile hairline with a widow’s peak.

I agree, Dr. Rassman. He has a beautiful, low hairline.
I’m amazed that any 18 year old today only has access to a computer camera from the mid 90s ;) I think even my phone 6 generations ago has a better resolution than that.
Anyway, tech geek joking aside, that looks like a juvenile hairline from the front anyway. If it’s moved back at all or the corners have started to thin, it’s a good chance it’s the process of a maturing hairline by the sounds of most reports. I always think the widows peak some people have confuses the issue – a lot of people read that a juvenile hairline is ‘straight’ and if it doesn’t sit against a straight edge they freak out. Even juvenile hairlines can be far from straight across, especially with a widows peak to break up the line (I also think even a slight widows peak can make the corners ‘appear’ further back from the front angle obviously).
But I wouldn’t worry, 18 is okay to start a maturing hairline. If the corners recede in the normal way and then it limits itself, you still won’t be balding.