Egg Yolk and Vitamins to Keep Hair Healthy?
Hello, i have been reading your blog for a few months now, and i think its very informative well done, however i am unsure over a few area:
- If you start to develop your “mature hairline” between 17-20 does this mean that you are destined for balding?
- I have viewed a couple of other sites apart hairloss products to prevent hairloss, i noticed a few vitamins such as A and B were said to help keep the hair healthy also the website stated that egg yolk’s keep the hair healthy aswell.
- The maturing hairline has nothing what-so-ever to do with genetic balding. So to answer your question — no.
- If you have a healthy diet, taking vitamins will have little impact on hair loss that is not caused by vitamin deficiencies. With regard to egg yolk on the hair, I’ve read that it can make a good conditioner, but I personally stick to the bottled conditioners.
Wow, I surely wish vitamins could correct hair loss issues! I do know that a daily vitamin regimen can help one feel more healthy and full of energy. If I didn’t take my vitamins every morning, I’d be dragging by lunch time!