Eyebrow Transplant — Training the Hair
Hi! I was wondering about eyebrow transplants. I have researched them as a possibility to do, but I have a question. Since the hairs come from the back of the head, I gather that the hairs that get transplanted to the brow don’t lie flat. I read that they have to be trained with gel. Do they eventually lie flat or do you have to plaster them with gel forever? How long does it take to train to lie flat?
Thanks for the info.
The natural angle for an eyebrow transplant is difficult to create artificially. Sometimes the strong hair that some people have will lift up when transplanted into the eyebrow and that compounds any slight increased angle of the transplanted eyebrow to the skin. Training the eyebrow may be important if that is a problem and for many women, the eyebrow can not be trained. For these women, waxing the eyebrow or using other cosmetic adjuncts will control the way the eyebrow lies. Some women have a natural tendency for bushier eyebrows anyway and for these women, cosmetic adjuncts are familiar territory. Most men like bushy eyebrows, so some lift helps achieve a masculine look. The more extreme examples are Albert Einstein — and even me. I would hope that my similiarity to Einstein goes beyond my eyebrows, though. Einstein’s eyebrows may not work well for some women.
hey can u please tell me about how can i grow hair on eyebrows because my eyes brows are very very lightand very less which u cant see if u have eyebrows or not soo can u please give me about this