Female Hair Loss After Plastic Surgery
i’m a 25 year old female and little over 2 months ago i had a plastic surgery where i was completely asleep. Since then, my hair has been falling out more then it typically does. last month i got bronchitis and was given amoxicillin which did not work…the sickness progressed into pneumonia and now i am taking doxycycline. My hair is falling out much more rapidly now, but not in patches like alopecia typically does. The only visible area is at the front of my forehead. It is not very noticeable to others now, but my husband and I notice it. today i bought prenatal vitamins to help the issue but need some kind of idea whats going on. Is my sickness causing this to happen? will it grow back afterward? your advice is appreciated. thanks.
To understand what you are talking about, I would want to know what type of plastic surgery you had. Was it facial or brow surgery that could impact the hair and scalp on your head? Some people have surgical stress, which may induce genetic hair loss in those who are prone to it. I really need more information and the opportunity to examine you as well. Generally, hair loss may return after being lost in about the time it takes to cycle hair (4-8 months). See a good dermatologist and speak with your plastic surgeon, who is probably the best source of information for you that will be specific to what he did with you.
You mentioned that stress from surgery may induce genetic hair loss in women, I have been losing my hair rapidly in the last month, I had surgery 4 months ago, I have seen my doctor (my thyroid is fine) but she told me it was stress from my surgery and should eventually grow back. I also have had genetic hairloss over the last 15 years but the surgery has indeed sped it up recently – the hairloss that is surgery stress related should still grow back – correct?????? my Doctor said I will probably lose 50% of my hair but that it was temporary – is that still true even if you had genetic hair loss before your surgery????