Is Hair Cloning Right Around the Corner?
I saw this article yesterday about hair cloning on the UK’s Times Online: Baldness cure firm heads for AIM
Here is an example of a business deal coming down the pike shortly which mixes the anticipation of raising a large amount of money with the excitement of hair cloning. Growing hair in a test-tube from parts of the hair follicle that might eventually produce a head of hair in a balding man is the dream. How far from reality is this? I suspect that the clinical trials will tell us that, but as you may know, clinical trials take time to get from testing to fruition and an FDA approved process that is both safe and effective. Many of these processes fail to make the final mark, so this is a high risk deal for those of you wanting to put your money behind the cloning endeavor. It is even a higher risk deal for those of you waiting and waiting and waiting for the cloning answer to your balding prayer.
Intercytex, the company listed above, states that the target date for release of its hair cloning product is 2010. Do you think this is unreasonable? Also, even if the processes fail for FDA approval, isn’t that just an obstacle in the road rather than a dead end?
This is all a bunch of bullshiite. There’s NEVER going to be a cure! Not in the next five years anyway! That’s what they said over five years ago and HELLO…nothing yet!! For those of us who are NW 3s and NW 4s in our 30s, we’re SCREWED. We don’t want to get hair transplants because we’re afraid of scalp scars and lack of donor hair, so we have to wait….and wait…. and wait….by the time I’m 60, there MAY be cure…but soooo what?!??!! Too late!!!! Unless it’s important to me to die on my deathbed with a full head of hair….NOT!!!