Hair Falling Out in Permanent Zone
Hi Doc,
My hairline appears to be following the pattern of my grandfather’s whose hairline stopped at a NW 3 with a persistent forelock. However, my hair appears to also be falling out equally throughout the scalp, even in the permanent zone. I’m looking at the pictures of my grandfather, and he still had thick hair in his 60’s. Is it possible to have my grandfather’s hairline, while still having hair fall throughout the scalp even the permanent zone?
I suppose anything is possible, but it is rare to have hair loss from your permanent zone unless you have diffuse unpatterned alopecia (DUPA). If you feel you are losing hair diffusely, you may not have genetic male pattern baldness. You would need to see a doctor for a good diagnosis.
If I haven’t beat the following concept enough to a point of sounding like a broken record… a miniaturizationstudy would be helpful to see what is really going on. You can even map your own scalp using the tutorial I wrote, provided you have the proper tools.
Just create word document with the info that you can cut and paste into each document about miniturization mapping. By the way, if you want to sound cool you should say, “Like a CD that’s steady skipping.” and drop the record references. That’s way uncool doc.
Well, aren’t CDs on their way out now too? I have an mp3 player that I use…