Hair Loss After Traveling
I read a previous post in which a man suggested that his hair was better outside of the United States. I too have experienced a similar experience. In the beginning of 2007 I took a trip to Israel and stayed there for a month. You mentioned diet as being a possible cause. I ate alot of olives, salads, soups, eggs, and food made from scratch on a kibbutz. I also swam in the dead sea at least twice a week. I noticed that my hair over that month got dramatically thicker. However, when I returned to the U.S., I experienced a massive shed, and over a period of three months, I was back to baseline, prior to the trip. I have only minor thinning in behind my hairline.
Dead sea causing dead hair?! All joking aside, I do not have a good explanation for you on your hair loss after traveling abroad. Diet could be a possible cause. You can also consider stress involved in travel, as well as a component of genetic hair loss for an explanation of more hair loss with traveling in those that have it.
To the person who posted the travel experience. You might want to try to eat the same kinds of food that you ate in Israel here. There are many whole food stores around with real quality food. Also you might want to have a colonic or a colon cleanse done. That will really make your hair thicker and healthier.
I’m confused by the response but your hair was probably better in israel due to the nutritional content of your diet there. I’ve also been to Israel several times and there is a lot to be said for the Middle Eastern diet. It’s mostly salads, olive oils, fresh breads, low fat proteins, eggs… essentially, a lot of essential fatty acids and omega 3s PLUS many nutrients, vitimins and other fresh nutrients missing from our diets here in the U.S.
Secondly, it has been proven that the salt and minerals of the dead sea improve circulation. Possibly, this aplified the impact of the nutritional change by supplying your scalp and hair with these essential nutrients.
Best & Take Care.