Hair Loss from Anesthesia?
I am 27 years old and female, and I have always had really thick hair. Around 6 months ago, I started noticing my hair was coming out a lot when I washed, or brushed it. My hairstylist also noticed, and asked me if I had surgey, and if I had anestisia? I did about 10 months ago. I was wondering if that could be linked to it? I have also noticed that my eye on one side feels like it is straining if I look side to side or up or down, and I have expierinced migraines frequently lately. So, maybe it is stress. Either way, your imput would be greatly appreciated.
Yes, the stress from anesthesia and surgery itself can cause hair loss, but it is temporary most of the time, particularly for women. In term of anesthesia, I am not certain if the anesthetic chemical itself causes direct hair loss or just the stress associated with the surgery, although I think that the stress may be a more significant factor in predisposed women. You may have female genetic hair loss and mapping out your scalp and hair for miniaturization might help establish or rule out this diagnosis with objective measurements. Repeating the analysis may have value after 6 months has passed if the first measurements are not definitively able to make the diagnosis.
I am a 31 year old female who had a baby a year ago.My delivery was via C-section, but I recently find my hair falling out, whenever I brush, wash or even just hold it, it comes out in my hand.
Could it be from the anesthesia they use during the delivery.Thanks for your awaing response
I had 3 emergency surgeries in 10 days on my ankle after a car wreck. Over the next two months my hair fell out as if I had been underoing chemotherapy. I have a lot of new growth (8 month post op) but it has taken some time to come back.
I believe that the anesthesia directly affects the life of the hair follicles. With my first child, I had an epidural. Within 8 weeks of delivery my hair fell out so much that I could see my scalp. it was like a nightmare. I had 2 other children with no anesthesia and no loss of hair whatsoever. A few years back, I had major surgery with general anesthesia and my hair fell out so much that It filled the sink eveytime I brushed and basically had to get it cut like a boy. It took years to get it back. I had minor anesthesia for replacing fillings, one a week for about 3 weeks. The filling replacement was not any stress on my body by any means, but within about a month of the last set of filling replacements, I had hair loss. It was not as bad as when I had general anesthesia or epidural, but it was significant nevertheless. I had read somewhere about anesthesia causes the hair follicles to become dormant.
I am a 27 year old female who is experiencing hair loss. I will just sit there and hair will fall out from the root. Hundreds of hairs just fall out. When I brush my hair or wash it I start to cry. It fills the sink or my brush in minutes. I have now lost about 50% of my hair. I had a c-section and re-constructive surgery and had some hair loss. Then I had a tummy tuck in April and my hair started to fall even worse this time. It has been falling out for 6 months and I am in tears when I think about it. I’m going to see a dermatologist next week. I didn’t think the hair loss would be this bad or this severe or fall out for this long. This is depressing…
I am a 30 yr. old female and my hair starting thinning out about 1-2 months ago. It’s now so noticeable to me on the top that I can no longer look in the mirror without crying. My doctor and dermatologist cannot tell me why this is happening. I have not had any major stress recently, but after reading this blog, I remembered that I had a minor surgery with general anesthesia in mid June of 08. Could this be what’s causing my hair loss to occur NOW? Any input/answers would sincerely help me. Thank you!
Well first off there is no proof that anasthesia causes hair loss because it hasn’t been adequately studied but from anecdotal evidence, hair loss following general anasthesia is not uncommon.Another explanation is that during surgery, assuming it is a longer surgery, the head is kept in one position causing intense friction. I wouldn’t make any judgments about c-section anasthesia because it is incredibly common for pregnant woman to lose ALOT of hair following childbirth, pregnancy or not. It is probably small consolation that the hair of many women thickens during pregnancy only to fall out sometimes in clumps afterwards. Essentially, pregnancy hormones mess with hair growth cycles so anything goes. hair usually restores in 6 to 9 months, even for those with long hair (theyll notice a thickening). Nursing, though amazing for baby and healthy for mom too, is terrible for hair. It essentially suppresses estrogen leaving hair flat thin looking and limp. Its a known side effect of nursing but resolves itself relatively quickly when nursing ceases.
I have 3 kids and I had hair loss with all 3.My last child I nursed until he was 19 months old.My hair was terrible! I have thin hair anyway, but I lost about half of it and it stayed gone untill about 3 months after I stopped nursing.I am having a breast augmentation and I am scared to death to lose my hair again! Do you think it will be as bad as it was when I was nursing? What are my odds of terrible hair loss again?
I remember when I was only 13 and I had surgery to remove a benign lump in my right breast.In this operation they gave me anesthesia.A year after, I discovered another lump in my left chest ( its common for me to have benign lumps because of my mothers side)and I uderwent surgery which of course introduced anesthesia again.Both times I’d noticed afterwards my hair would just fall out and I wouldn’t even touch it.I had thought that mabye it was stress and that I just didn’t take cair of my hair, but now reading everyone elses comments, I’ve taken into consideration that anesthesia could be the culprit.I’d taken care of my hair best I could and at only 15 my hair loss is so severe that I just want to cry when I see other girls with long, strong hair.Before I new this was a possiblility for hair loss I had 3 tooth cavities filled and each time they used anesthesia.Before I had my first surgery I used to have strong long hair and am determined to get it back.Im too young to be going through this now.Back then I had never had migraines and stress;I was an average carefree girl.The experience of this has changed me and now after 3 years I feel as though a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.One day if and when I build up the courage I intend to cut off all my hair and start anew.Until now I did not know what I’d do with my life, but now this experience could have persumably revealed it.One things for sure, is that if it is in my power I will never ever inflict this blight on my life again. I hope in the future that if I ever have kids, technology will be so much more advanced, that any possibility of this affecting my child will be deminished.
I recently had a baby in jan of this year an my hair started to fall out the beginning of march it was a c section where I had to get anestheia it is still shading an I have long normally thick hair adfter readin all of this im beginnin to think it was from the anestheia this has got to stop im becoming depressed
In dogs, hair loss occurs about a week following general anesthesia. I cannot find anything on the `net to explain why. It happens regardless of any stress such as surgery, even for cutting nails or cleaning teeth. Look up Mr.GSD and reply if you have definite answer with scientific references, please.