Hair Potions and Lotions
What do you think about all of the vitamins and other things sold in the health food stores that claim that they reduce or reverse hair loss?
The word ‘claims’ in this usage, reflects the lack of scientific proofs for naturally produced substances sold in heatlh food stores. Many of the items sold are sold on their potential and a ‘hipe’ that is created by word of mouth. There is little regulation for natural food additives, so there is no way to determine the proof of the claims that are made. Some of the natural substances may have DHT blocking abilities, as claimed, but there is no proof of such activities.
It is common to find substances sold in health food stores that claim DHT blocking properties. There is no way to confirm or deny this, so it again becomes a ‘buyer beware’ issue, leaving the final action in the hand of those willing to spend the money on it. At least Propecia is a proven DHT blocker and we know that because it has been thoroughly investigated by the drug company to meet a high standard of FDA regulations. We also know about the side effects (very low) and long term use statistics. A large company behind this medication tells us that someone is accountable if things go wrong. I can not say that for most of what is sold in the health food stores.
For example, Saw Palmetto, is thought to be a natural DHT blocker, and there are various articles that purport to prove it is an effective DHT blocker. But, a recent article that I read in a well respected medical journal indicated that it was a very weak DHT blocker. Did you know that Saw Palmetto was added to the GI’s food in World War II battle zones to suppress the soldiers sex drive so that they would not get distracted? Now if you link these two (weak DHT action and sex drive suppressant), why would anyone want to take it?
I am one of your patients ,I take high blood pressure medication would there be any advantages to taking Minoxidil orally in addition to or instead of my present medication?should I ask my doctor about this ? What dose would be effective ?