Hair Transplants in a Class 7 Blonde Patient (with Photos)
This is a patient who was transplanted in two sessions totaling 4500 grafts over a decade ago. He stopped by my office to say hello and show off his great results so many years later. His before pictures (I apologize for the quality, as they were before we used digital cameras) are shown as well as the pictures taken today. Essentially, all of the original hair is now gone (Propecia was not available at the time he had his original surgery) and 100% of the coverage you are seeing in the recent photos are the results of his hair transplant. The only hair that exists now apart from the transplants is the 3 inch high ridge of hair around the side and back of his head. In many ways, this is a worst case scenario because his donor supply was limited but even with that, he has coverage for the front (going back about 4-5 inches) and his hair naturally parts down the middle. He is active in life, surfing regularly.
He is 57 years old and he now has the look of a 35 year old from the front. He told me that this was the best thing he ever did, that is, before he got married to his beautiful wife 18 months ago. Note that the crown bald area is wider than it was 10 years ago, but because of his comb-back, the view from the front (the fellow he sees in the mirror every day) is a hairy fellow.
Click the photos to enlarge.

After (a decade later):

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