Hairs Come Out from Top, But Not from the Sides When I Pull On It
When I do a gentle pull test for my hair, I always seem to get about 10 or so hairs from the top front of my head,whereas I usually don’t get any (maybe one or so) from the sides and back. I’m wondering if this has anything to do with MPB or perhaps the hairs on the side and back come out at other times i.e. combing, hands through hair, etc.
Why are you pulling your hair? As the name implies, there is a pattern to male pattern baldness (MPB) — most of the hair is lost from the top and if it is impacted with miniaturization I would expect that you can easily pull out the hairs that are miniaturized. Hair impacted from genetic hair loss that is very early in the process should not pull out with the pull test. So if you have MPB, pulling your hair is not the way to go about diagnosing it. Mapping our your hair for miniaturization will tell you what you need to know for balding purposes.
So if you notice more hairs coming out from the top as opposed to the sides, its more than likely you have mpb? im confused…