Heavy Cardio and a Shower to Flush 5AR?
can i flush 5 alpha reductose from my sweat gland with heavy cardio(heavy sweating from top of head) followed by a showering with a shampoo such a nioxin?
No. It doesn’t work that way. Curiously, I’d love to know how you came up with that idea.
so there is no possible chance there are any traces of DHT found in the sweat generated from the top of my head?
Men usually lose hair first in the temporal area, second in the crown, and third, in the vertex or top of the scalp. This is due to the concentration of sweat glands that carry DHT in these areas. So if one where to constantly be flushing sweat daily out of these particular sweat glands fallowed directly by a thorough clean with out giving the sweat time to re saturate itself, why couldn’t that help reduce the concentration of dht?