I Have a Bald Spot At the Back of My Head That Keeps Growing (with Photo)
I am 25 years of age. I am having a situation where I have bald spot on my lower right back side of my head. It started out as the size of a dime when I noticed it 3 to 4 months ago. Now, the bald spot it spreading, and it is bigger than a half dollar coin size and is balder. I have no family history of anyone balding besides my father, who was the only one balding way back when. Is there any treatment that I can take for my bald spot? I hate wearing hats now, since I found out about my bald spot.

There’s no way I can diagnose you without an examination, but sometimes bald patches like this can be a sign of a condition called Alopecia Areata. You can learn more about this at the National Alopecia Areata Foundation site.
You need to see a doctor for a definitive diagnosis and this, almost certainly, will require a biopsy.
You might be lucky. Ive seen this before… sometimes confused with alopecia. Do you dye your hair? If not than I’m wrong and you should probably go to the next answer. However it looks like what you are suffering from is a chemical burn. some dyes can damage the follicles and leave a bare patch. It will usually start a day or two after a you dye your hair and 90% of the time, is a home, self applied, session. it may first appear as a small dime size patch which may be overlooked. sometimes it never gets any worse and is gone before its noticed. however more serious burns will start small and gradually over a week or two become much larger. it can take up to 6 months for this type of burn to heal but then the hair should start to grow again. I would definitely stop dyeing your hair and allow it to heal. but it never hurts to see a doctor.
just noticed that this was posted over a year ago… did you ever figure out what caused it?