I Have Alopecia Universalis, But Also Have 3 Faint Tufts of Hair On My Scalp
I have alopecia universalis. My doctor stated that alopecia universalis makes every hair on your body fall out, however on my head i have spikes all over it and about 3 tufts of hair, not noticable by the eye but by touch. I was wondering if anyone out there has the same question as me, is this a good sign?
I have just this week begun being treated with Topical Immunotherapy but i havent started with it being placed on my head, i have it on my arm to get me allergic to the stuff before i have it put on my head. Has anyone recovered from alopecia universalis who had the same questions as me? with the little spikes of hair all over my head. If there is anyone out there who knows something about this, please answer :D !
Alopecia universalis is extremely rare (less than 1% of all cases of alopecia areata), and unfortunately I’m not an expert on the disease or the treatments. I will forward your message to anyone that I know that could possibly help. If any readers have anything to add, please leave a comment below. You might be able to find more information at the NAAF.org site.
i’m looking for the same answer..I can’t find anyone out there who has completely recovered from AU…let me know if you find anyone…