I Have Short Hairs in the Temples (with Photos)
Hello, I’m 21 and I always had much hair loss. I’ve gone 2 times (on 2010 and 2008) to a dermatologist who said it was a normal hair loss (and the fact that I have very long hair makes it even more normal). However I have always been quite nervous about it, I wash my hair every other day, the day I don’t wash it I lose about 45 to 65 hair all day, and on the days I wash it I lose between 165 to 190. I have some shorter hairs in the temples and I’m afraid that it may be a sign of miniaturization (they appear to be as thick as the other hairs tho).
I’ll send some pictures of my hairline (two from 2010 and the rest of them I took a couple of days ago), feel free to use them in your blog, and sorry for the bad grammar.
Thank you for allowing us to post your photos. Click them to enlarge.

Your pictures shows changes that are consistent with a developing mature hairline, but it does look more ‘ratty’ than I would expect it to look.
Losing 100-150 hairs per day is average as another 100-150 hairs grow out per day. These start off very short as they emerge from the scalp and then grow out at a rate of about 1/2 inch per month, so if you see short hairs, those probably reflect these new hairs. Between the hairs that fall out and then regrow there is a short 3 month cycle where the hairs rest before regrowing.
Miniaturization is where the hair shafts get thinner and thinner over time. I suspect that you need to see a doctor who can look for miniaturization and also do hair bulk measurements which will clearly tell you if you are balding. So I would need to have full access to your scalp and frontal hairline to determine what is actually going on.
As the doc says you’d need a close up look and bulk hair analysis to be sure but that doesn’t look like balding in these photos. I’ve seen plenty more obvious than this classed by doctors as a maturing hairline. I’d personally suspect (just from the pictures of course) that any ‘rattiness’ was down to the particular hair texture and it being pulled back. But hey I’m not a doctor so get it checked but I’m sure lots of people wouldn’t consider you balding at that juncture.