I Have Swollen Glands in Jaw and Thinning All Over the Top of My Head
Hello, I am very curious about the hair loss I have been experiencing. I’m 22 years old with no family history of male pattern baldness. Over the last 4 months my hair has been falling out at an alarming rate. You can now see my scalp through my hair. It is not at the rear of my head like most men, but all over the top of my head. I also have swollen glands on the inside of my jaws, however, I have no idea if that means anything. Do you think it could be male pattern baldness, or am I dealing with something else. Thanks for your time.
This appears to be two separate problems. The swollen jaw and swollen glands need medical attention. If you are balding, then it is best to see an expert on that as well. Male pattern baldness might be something you’re experiencing, but the swollen glands are unrelated.
I’ve had swollen jaw glands twice in my life. I woke up with them and the doctor said it was from extreme teeth grinding during the night.