I Lose Hair Transplant Grafts in My Sleep
I had a hair transplant last night and this morning I found grafts on my finger nails along with blood clots. My transplant surgeon told me not to worry about them after I said that there were about a dozen grafts that I could count. He said that he did not have to see me. What would you do for me in this situation?
I had a patient who picked his head in his sleep, just like you seemed to do. Knowing this, I had his wife make him wear ski gloves in his sleep the rest of that week. I did view the patient, but as the grafts had been already out of his body for hours, there was no point to put them back as they would not have grown. The grafts on this patient came from the crown, where he had 1500 grafts placed by me. He had about 10 grafts lost and they did not appear to be significant, considering the large number that we placed there.
I had another patient leave the office after the surgery and from the edge of the limo, he scraped the scalp removing about 150 grafts in the car’s gutter. We quickly retrieved them and washed the grafts with saline and put them right back into his head. Fortunately, the time out of the body and into the saline was only a minute or two. The grafts grew, but I think that we all had anxiety over this one.
I do not use bandages to cover the recipient site and I tell my patients the importance of keeping their hands off of the head and recipient area. I generally like a person to use a recliner chair for the first and second night, to keep the head elevated and make it more difficult to scratch the recipient area when they sleep. I have not had a problem like the ones I spoke about for over 10 years.
Excellent advice. Is scratching (or picking as you described) something that can significantly worsen balding in the early or middle stages, provided you haven’t had any grafts of any kind?