I Want All Body and Head Hair Gone
This might sound weird, but I dont want body hair or head hair. What can I do to got rid of it permanently?
You’re one of the very few that write in wanting to know ways to get rid of hair. Electrolysis and hair removal lasers (epilators) are the only permanent method to remove unwanted hair and removing all of your hair would be quite difficult. These involve using electric current to damage the areas that generate hair or lasers to burn them at the roots, but both of these methods have a high failure rate (50% per hair per treatment on average).
It’s too bad there is no method of donating hair to other people (beyond for wig making purposes). We know some people that would love to be in your situation.
I would say the worst part of balding, is the pattern itself. I’d rather have my hair, but would take no hair any day over Male Pattern Baldness. Would look and feel much better. Plus you could pretend your Yul Brynner or Charlie Vilenevue