I Was Born with a Permanent Bald Spot (with Photo)
I was born with a permanent bald spot that will not regrow hair. I’m sorry that the photo is not high quality, it is near the back of my head to the side.
Click the photo to enlarge:

Was there a question for me? I don’t know why you have this bald spot, whether it was indeed from birth or perhaps a trauma to the scalp in your childhood that you don’t remember. But if there’s no hair that you remember growing there, I would agree that it is more than likely permanent.
If you can live with it, let it be. If you want to address it, please give my office a call at 800-NEW-HAIR. We can fix it with a limited hair transplant or Scalp MicroPigmentation (SMP). As it is a smaller spot, SMP would likely work well to eliminate the contrast between skin and hair color (plus the results would be immediate, as it is not a surgical procedure).
I have the same spot on the very top of my head in the back. I don’t notice it unless I take a mirror to check it out and I believe it is only visible when my hair is wet. I fell on cement steps trying to dive into a kiddie pool when I was 7. I hit my head. My father was a medic. He felt it didn’t need stitches and he cleaned it up. I sometimes wonder if the spot is from that. I’ve never tried for regrowth. And no one has ever pointed it out to me. Good luck.
This is a common complaint from a trauma on the head from a fall. In fact, my oldest son had such an event and I elected not to suture it up. That was a mistake on my part. So as an adult, I did a small, very small hair transplant and now the bald spot it gone.
Dr. Rassman