In the News – Dr Farjo Transplanted a Patient Live on the Internet
Snippet from the article:
Sports pundit and former-England footballer Michael Gray has undergone the first UK hair transplant to be streamed live on the internet. Some 22,000 people with strong stomachs watched Dr Bessam Farjo perform the surgery, which began at 10am yesterday morning and finished at 6.50pm.Dr Farjo took more than 5,000 healthy hair follicles from the back of Mr Gray’s head and implanted them at the front of the scalp after making hundreds of incisions.
Read the rest — Former England footballer’s hair transplant is broadcast live online in world first
I must admit that I had no idea who Michael Gray was, but I am familiar with Dr. Farjo’s work (and he is a contributor to BaldingBlog). With this webcast, Dr. Farjo was able to show off surgery to thousands of curious viewers, and in a year or so, Michael Gray will be able to see the full results of this procedure.
I’m trying to get Dr. Farjo to post pics of Mickey a few weeks post – op. I think that is a critical potential patients would like to know more about. Because I want to know when I can go back to work and whether or not it will look completely noticeable!