In the News – Home Remedies from Over 100 Years Ago Were Very Dangerous
Snippet from the list:
10. If you find you’re losing some hair, here’s a quick and easy fix: Make some sage tea. Now mix it with an equal part whisky. Now take a sip, then add “a dash of quinine” to the cup and spray, paint or rinse over the scalp as often as needed, at least twice a day.
11. A slightly stronger anti-hairloss method (and one that’s “guaranteed” to produce results) is to rub a blend of almond oil, rosemary extract, wine, distilled water, and mercury bichloride into the scalp every morning until your hair grows back or unexplained death, whichever comes first.
Read the rest at Mental Floss — 19 Wildly Dangerous Home Remedies From 100 Years Ago
Death stops hair loss!
Check out the rest of the list for some crazy ways people treated ringworm (with gunpowder) and lice infestation (with mercury). Yikes!
My God when will hair cloning available?
– hair surgeons would not lose money, more, earn more money because more people would be done by this technique (hair cloning)
we are going too far….please…