In the News – Prince Kept His Hair By Playing Guitar?
Snippet from the article:
Prince believes playing the electric guitar has stopped him from going bald.
The 52-year-old pop legend – who can play 27 different instruments – is convinced the electricity that flows through a guitar when he strums it is the reason he still has luscious locks.
He said: “Playing electric guitar your whole life does something to you. I’m convinced all that electricity racing through your body made me keep my hair.”
Read the full story — Prince: Playing the electric guitar prevented hair loss
So there you go, folks. The secret to keeping your hair — learn the guitar. Be sure to get a nice electric guitar with a huge, loud amp (bonus points if you live with people that are not musicians, since they will love to hear you learn).
I’m kidding, of course. Hair loss is from genetics… not electricity racing through your body.
When you say “People that are not musicians” I assume you mean drummers?
he is obviously taking the piss