Injecting Minoxidil Into the Scalp
Hi there doctor rassman
here is a study on minoxidil injected to the scalp vs topical treatment – Egyptian Dermatology Online JournalThe injected minoxidil was done 2 times and then one time a week and yielded greater results than topical treatment.
This is clearly not an approved study; however, I would not doubt the results reported by the Egyptian doctor. Minoxidil was originally an oral medication for the treatment of high blood pressure, and it worked, though not well.
At an ISHRS meeting a couple of years ago, it was reported that minoxidil by mouth or intramuscularly could reverse hair loss and was a common practice in India. We know from the old studies on the oral minoxidl that systemic administration produced excess hair production in different parts of the body.
I will not be offering it in my practice until the FDA comes out in favor of it, but it is interesting research.
I wonder if use of a Dermaroller would have a similar effect?
Given the number of more advanced transdermal gels available now I’d have thought minoxidil would be trying these out to deliver more to the target areas.
Or is this commonplace and just not advertised as much?
I guess a lot of companies are focusing on entirely new treatments rather than spending money on modifying old ones.
For every Dr like the one above who doesn’t offer it in their “practice” there are 10 others that will. Physicians are a dime a dozen these days.