Is a Cowlick Just a Cowlick?
I am an 18 year old male and losing hair, a couple of hairs a night on my pillow and about 25 hairs per shower. My hairline is receding, but I think it is a part of the maturing process. My biggest concern is an unruly cowlick I have. I can’t just ignore it and it gives my head a bald spot. I try to comb it down and sometimes comb it over, but that doesn’t eliminate my concern. So, is my cowlick the beginning of baldness? Or is a cowlick just a cowlick? Thanks for reading and for your answers to all the other questions on this site!
A cowlick is just a cowlick. Many women think that they are sexy. My 29 year old son has one and I think that it is character building in the hair line. Live with it and look at it as a sign of sexy beauty for a man.
Hey I have three cowlicks (crowns)on my head. That means I am super sexy??? lol