Is Getting Into the Hair Transplant Field a Wise Decision for a Med Student?
Doctor, love the blog, lots of useful information. I was hoping you could give a little career advice. What would you say to the students in medical school interested in getting into the field of hair transplantation? Would this not be a wise decision with companies such as histogen/replicell potentially achieving positive results using non-invasive techniques?
For a medical student thinking of a specialty to choose, I would not recommend hair transplant surgery. Not because it is not a great field, but mainly because there is no formal hair transplant surgery training or residency that would give you the requisite skills you should have. There is no consistency in the field of hair transplantation. I do believe the community of hair transplant doctors is improving and striving for consistency and it has greatly improved in the last decade. In fact, there is a board certification for hair transplant doctors, but it isn’t recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS).
If you still would like to pursue the hair transplant field, I would pursue a ABMS approved residency program of your interest. First get basic training in some official specialty like dermatology, and then get a fellowship under some well recognized expert in the hair transplant field who will take you under his wing. to this but i felt to reply.I believe that more and more people are going to need transplants.So learning for this role is going to be very beneficial to people.In todays economic state more vand more people are going to lose their hair due to stress so are eventually going to need help!