Is My Crown Balding or Is That Just How It Parts?
I’m 22. I have had long hair for about 2 years now, and I hadn’t paid much attention to my hairline at all. Recently, in about the last 3-4 months, I began to start looking at it and noticed that I do indeed have a receding hairline. However, due to my long hair, I cannot quite tell if I have any vertex hair loss as well. I took a picture and have a spot, but it’s possible that it’s just the way my hair part. It has been like that ever since I’ve had my longer hair (I never paid attention to the back of my head). I have also noticed similar parts in other guys with long hair. None of my friends or family have mentioned it to me, especially my friends, since we talk about this type of stuff all the time.
What do you think?

First, thank you for allowing me to post your photo.
It is difficult to tell based on the lighting in the photo. Sometimes under harsh lights, the scalp can be seen even without any balding present. This indeed may be early crown balding, but the way to determine this is to map your scalp and look for miniaturization in both the frontal hairline and the crown. Then, if you have miniaturization, you are genetically balding and should consider treatment.
This does not look like balding at all to me. It’s just the way your hair is planted. Everybody has it.
Yes exactly like me I wish I can upload here . I do have same medium hair but lately in 23 I start notice hair lose on my desk and my bed. Most annoying thing is when u hold your and few hairs come out. When I was middle school hair is really strong and I keep it short. But now my hair is really thin as I dream but it scare me every time long hair 4’5 coming from my hair just a bit of touching.