Is My Hair Loss Due to Fried Foods and Less Exercise?
Over the past 4-5 months, my hair is becomes remarkebly thinner. When I look at the hairs that fall out (approx 8 cm), one end of the the hair is very thick. However the other end of the hair is very very thin.
I read that miniaturization of hair would takes a few years?
I was wondering if this could also be due to my lifestyle changes over the last 4-5 months. I have always taken part in regular excercise, almost an hour every day. HOwever, in the last 4-5 months i have barely been able to do any excercise (less then twice a week) due to exams. Also, my diet these last few months has become less healthy, eating alot of fast food, fried, and deep fried foods.
COuld this be the reason for my rapidly thinning hair?
The most common cause of hair loss is genetic. I doubt that a fried food diet or a fast food diet or a lack of exercise has much to do with hair loss. You should be more concerned about your general health with what you describe.
Get your hair examined and mapped out for miniaturization to see what the diagnosis could be. But before you see a hair transplant surgeon, you should see your primary care doctor to have a health check with all the bad food and lack of exercise. Stress, added to the genetics for balding, is a combination that could accelerate hair loss for most men so inflicted.
It is kind of ignorant to say that fast-food won’t cause hairloss.
You are probably aware that Americans, UK have more bald men than that of Asian people.
Processed foods, High-fat(animal hormone polluted) foods, foods in high sodium, all causes severe hormonal imbalance, not to mention hypothyroidism. Also considering the fact that Sodium Flouride and Chloride also causes hormonal imbalance, especially in the states where concentration of sodium flouride in bottled water is the highest in developing worlds.
Most of the asian diet consist of high in vege protien and magnesium, where as 90 percent of americans do not meet the current RDA requirements for magnesium. Magnesium defieciency causes Diabetes and Insulin resistance, and you are probably aware of the fact that those two are detrimental to hairloss and speeds up MBP by 10 years or more.
Magnesium deficiency is one of the major reasons for cadiovascular desease, which is the number one cause of death in America. There are hundreds of reason why western diet is critically linked to hairloss, due to its detrimental affect on human hormonal balance.
You should reconsider what you say to your patients about how hairloss is all due to genetics, you are completely misleading and wrong.