Is My Hockey Helmet Causing Hair Loss?
I am a seventeen year old. I visited my doctor he said I have male pattern baldness. My hairline is starting to recede quite badly. But I did some research and I learned that people with certain hair styles, get hair loss, such as braids because it applies stress to the scalp. I was wondering if my hockey helmet can be the cause of this, because it pulls on my scalp. Also I am wondering if my hair will grow back once I sort the problem out with my helmet.
It is possible that constant rubbing can cause traction alopecia (hair loss from pulling), but a good examination by a good doctor in the hair field should answer that question for you. If you started with early male pattern baldness (MPB), then you should get your hair mapped out for miniaturization and this will tell you if MPB is a reasonable diagnosis.
Could you just be developing a mature hairline? That is a question I simply can’t answer without seeing what you’re talking about.
I’ve run into the same problem with my hockey helmet. It seems that my helmet is rubbing out my hair, because it presses really hard against the ridge on the flat part of my head. Twice a week for a couple of hours – I think that’s the problem. The top of my head where hair loss usually begins in men (besides receding hairline) is just fine for me – full of hair and no signs of loss.
But I will make sure to visit a doctor and get an expert opinion.
My bobber told me that she has many Mexican customers. When they first came to America and came to her bobber shop to have hair cut, they did have good health hair, being as construction workers a few years later they lost a lot of hair, some are bold. She thinks it has something to do with helmet since these construction workers wearing helmets all day during work.
I think someone needs to invent a better helmet.