Is My Tight-Fitting Beanie Causing My Hair Loss?
I’ve been wearing a tight fitting beanie or toque as we call them here in Canada fairly regularly for about four months now. Often it will be all day, morning till night (so approx 12-14hrs). Quite frankly I just forget its on my head. I’d always had a full head of hair but have noticed some minor thinning at the hairline which I swear was not there some months ago before I started this beanie trend. I know you’ve spoken against hat or headgear wearing as a contributor to hair loss however some still suggest there may be a small correlation between the two.
I don’t believe excess dirt or sebum would contribute to hair loss but what about the notion of your hair/scalp needing oxygen? or vitamin D as produced by exposure to the sun? In regards to tight headgear, what about the idea of a decrease in circulation? Or a form of traction alopecia as the hair gets pushed or pulled in different directions for prolonged periods of time? Your insight would be appreciated.
Traction alopecia is certainly a possibility from wearing a beanie or anything tight on your scalp for extended periods of time. Problems with blood supply and oxygen levels aren’t going to cause hair loss, though they were once thought to be causes many years ago.
Hopefully, any vitamin D you’re not getting from sunlight is covered by your diet. It is my opinion that the hair does not have to get washed and sebum build-up will not impact hair growth, however, not washing your hair could cause your head to eventually stink.
You said….
“Traction alopecia is certainly a possibility from wearing a beanie or anything tight on your scalp for extended periods of time.”
And you also said….
“Hopefully, any vitamin D you’re not getting from sunlight is covered by your diet.”
Are these two statements not contradictory?
If not, what then will be the cause of Traction alpecia from wearing beanie if not vitamin D.
I spent a long period of time working in a ski rsort last year and from experience I started to notice hair loss after having to wear something like this on my head for months.
Obaemf –
Traction alopecia is from the constant pulling of the hair. Many people with tight braids or dreadlocks see this type of hair loss. So I don’t see how the statements are contradictory.
I feel when my hair has lack of air, it starts to itch. Then i start to lose my hair.