I’ve Been Pulling My Hair for 6 Years — Will It Grow Back?
Hello. I’ve had trichotillomania for about 6 years now. I’ve pulled non-stop because it is REALLY hard to quit, but I haven’t pulled any hair out in a week now. I have a large bald spot on the top of my skull and there are several others scattered elsewhere. I am seventeen years-old. I can’t even go to the hair dresser’s to get my hair done because I’m so ashamed and I always worry someone might say something. I’ve adopted the name ‘bald spots’. I was wondering if my hair was going to grow back if I let it and if not, if there were any options available for me. Thank you.
If the hair loss has been there for around 6 years, I doubt that the hair will come back. First, you must get control of the pulling (not just for a week) and you may seek help from your doctor for medications that will help you through this. Once you have gone a year or more with no further hair plucking, then you might consider hair transplantation, assuming that your donor supply is adequate. But if you should start pulling again, then any transplanted hair can be lost by the exact same mechanism.
There’s a great reference site you should visit to read more — Trichotillomania Learning Center.
i am 19.! ive been dealing with this for 8 years almost, you are not alone. i know you feel it because i do to. in fact, this is the worse its ever been, on the top of my head i went bald and its scattered, it slowly started movin down the back of my head. i freaked out. ive used synthetic hair pieces, and wigs. recently i have tried a weave with real hair. its a lil pricy but if you talk to your parents they can help pay for it. i found a lady who put mine on for 50 dollars, then i bought the hair from sallys! it looks great n i cant pull as much~ im hoping im on the road to success! good luck