Large FUE Case?
Dr. Rassman
What is the largest number of grafts you recommend to be transplanted in one session using FUE? What is the maximum number you guys at NHI have done in one shot using this technique?
Thank you and Happy Holidays to you and your staff.
The largest case we did was 2,800 grafts. The large follicular unit extraction (FUE) cases require high densities of the hair in the donor area. Those individuals who have lower densities generally have from 20-40% less hairs per square inch, so one could expect that yields may be as low as 700 – 1,000 grafts for most — and that is generally people from Asia (like Indians), many from the middle east, and those with African hair. In a Caucasian with an average density, we have done 1300-1500 FUE grafts.
I think that many of you have seen comments made by me — comments of disbelief about the number of FUE grafts claimed to be performed by some dishonest doctors. I’d like to see some more honesty in the industry, but the almighty dollar is more important to some.
in this question, are you talking about in one session doctor, or overall (i.e average person can only get 1500 grafts overall for fue)?