Lose 10% of My Hair From Shock Loss After Hairline Lowering?
Hi, I would like your opinion on lowering my hairline (I’m female).Dr. ‘X’ in Australia stated that i may lose 10% of my hair from the shock loss due to the new implanted hairs? Why do some say there won’t be any shock loss and others say there will be? It is the only reason delaying me to proceed with the procedure. Dr do you travel to Sydney etc or could give any recommendations? Also would you suggest i get the fox procedure rather then the traditional way? Is there any benefits of this procedure over the conventional way? Thank you. Kindest Regards.
The answer is, “It depends.” If you have genetic female hair loss (which actually usually maintains the frontal hairline in women) shock loss is possible and when it occurs in women, it is rarely permanent. If you are trying to lower your hairline because you have had a forehead/brow/face lift then hair transplants work very well (see Female Hairline Restoration After Brow Lift). If you don’t like how your face is framed, because you were genetically programmed to have a high hairline and have no other underlying medical conditions, then a hairline lowering procedure is a good surgery to fix this. Shock loss is rarely a problem in this type of surgery.
As for the other, FOX/FUE may or may not be a better option for you, again just depending on your reasons for getting it done in the first place. These FOX/FUE procedures are fairly expensive. I would suggest that you send me photographs and tell me something about yourself so I can give you direct advice that fits your agenda.
I am a 40 yr old male looking to lower my hair line for cosmetic reasons only and live in NY Long Island can you recommended someone here and is scaring usually a proplem with men doing this procedure and I should worry about it?