Lowering Teen Hairline?
(female) I am 15, gonna be 16 in march 2007, and i have an extremely high forehead. i would like to get that lowered. about how much can u lower the forehead? i would like 4 inches or so
To lower the hairline 4 inches can be done, but it would take a balloon expander to do this. That would make your head look like a basketball in front while the expanding balloon is stretching the forehead and scalp. Four inches is a great deal and probably unrealistic. The average female hairlines are lowered by about 1 inch. You need to be evaluated with your parents present, of course. This type of surgery (less aggressive) is done on teenagers.
I also have a high hairline. Im 13. Can I take this treatment(lowering hairline)? I want it. How much will it cost?