Marigold Flower for Hair Growth
I’ve heard that the marigold flower, if rubbed on the head, will promote hair growth. True?
At the least, you can pick them from your neighbor’s lawn. This sounds like the most cost effective remedy I have heard lately and it may be as good as so many of the products I have been asked about over the past year. Be careful, the hair that grows may be yellow.
I hope my sarcasm was not missed. The short answer is most likely false.
im 24 year old female and recently i have noticed that my hair in the front is father had male pattern baldness and i know that this is in the genes so most likely either my sis and i will develop this eventually..but didnt anticipate it at my age.i dont know what to do…ive been told to take this pill called shenmin..does this really works?and what about rubbing the scalp with aloe vera?pls. help!!
You will be slick bald inside a year.