Miniaturization Within a Growth Cycle
A lot of the hair I see falling out seem to be thick and black at the far end narrowing in diameter towards the root, turning thin and blond. Everything I’ve read, including posts on this blog, seem to say that miniaturization of hair follicles happens from cycle to cycle. Is it possible for hair follicles to miniaturize within a growth cycle or is that most likely caused by something else?
The newest part of the hair near the root may be thinner than the oldest part at the end of the hair shaft, but I am not sure that I would call this miniaturization without examining you. I would think that once a hair is miniaturizing, it will continue in that process with time.
Dr. Rassman,
What if a balding individual saw the exact opposite of what this previous commenter described? Specifically, a hair shaft that is thick and dark nearer the root, while the distal end of the shaft is thinner and of lighter coloration?