My Dermatologist Just Prescribed Propecia and Walked Out Without an Exam
I am a 22 year old caucasian male. I have had thick dark-brown hair my entire life until recently. Only in this past year I have been noticing thinning and receding in my temples and shedding, thinning of all the hair on my head. I still have a full head of hair, but people have noticed that my hair has changed from thick, wavy and dark to thin, straight and brown. 5 months ago I visited a doctor because of Hairloss/constipation/and not feeling that great. i got a physical and blood test. Nothing was wrong.
shedding continued so.. I recently visited a dermatologist who walked in the room, prescribed me PROPECIA and ROGAINE and walked out. Didn’t look at my head or ask questions. I also have obtained a habit of gently combing my fingers through my hair and seeing how many hairs that fall out and then collect them. I have a ziplock full of hair. They fall out from all over and ive noticed that they have gotten thinner and lighter.
I am only 22 and I am not sure what is causing the shedding/thinning, whether its Male Pattern Baldness or not.
1. I am kinda scared and not sure whether I should take the Propecia or not. And if i take it then stop will it make things worse.?
2. I started the rogaine for 2 weeks, I think it gave me a flaky scalp, and maybe lightened my hair strands? And Is it bad to stop and start rogaine.random question
3. I get really thick and strong red or light pigmented hairs in my dark beard and dark hair. They are much harder to pluck/pull out. WHAT ARE THESE HAIRS?
With regard to the dermatologist who did not examine you, to me that says he did not care. Go see another doctor who will look at your hair, examine it, and perform a mapping of your hair and scalp for miniaturization so that you can not only have a diagnosis, but get a baseline study to see value (or lack thereof) after a year of taking Propecia.
Some people get drying and flaking of the scalp with minoxidil. I would suggest that you use the oil based minoxidil and see if this addresses the flaking.
I don’t quite understand what you are asking about with regard to the red hair mixed in with the dark hair other than you may have some red genetic factors that induces it. Were you are red-head when you were a child?
Just a response to #3. I have brown hair and I don’t normally grow a mustache. When I was younger, and grew out a mustache, it used to be dark brown. Months ago (I am 29 now) I grew it again and found that my mustache hair color is mixed! seriously, it is some blonde, some almost clear, and then all shades of brown and red. The hair on my head isn’t graying or anything, and I’m not really worried. Just letting you know that it’s not just you.