My Family History Shows Thinning Starts in Early 40s, but My Brother is Thinning at 21!
My brother (in the photo) is 21 years old and we think his hair is starting to thin. There’s no visible recession of his hairline but our whole family seems to have noticed the thinning, which is only at the front of his head and not on the crown. At 18 years old (and male), I’m now starting to worry about my own hair in the future.
In terms of family history, my paternal grandfather never had any hair loss up until his death at 57, while my father (who is now 60) has had some slight thinning on his crown and at the hairline, but still has a very decent head of hair – I think it started to thin around his 40s or 50s. My maternal grandfather only started losing his hair in his late 30s/early 40s, while my mum’s brother started losing it in his mid to late 30s.
I’m prepared for the reality that I’m probably going to lose mine at some point given my family history, but is it likely that Ill lose it as early as my brother – at only 21?! Nobody in my family has ever lost hair that early – could it be that he is just very unlucky? And how common is hair loss amongst siblings? For example, I have 2nd cousins, two brothers, one of whom is totally bald at 36 and the other has a full head of hair at 33.
Please let me know what you think about the whole sibling situation thing in general, and in my case, and what the best course of action is for me!
thank you so much for any advice.
Click the photo to enlarge:
There is no way you can predict with 100% accuracy what will happen to you in the future. I don’t know enough about your brother’s history to know if his hair loss is due to genetics, disease, stress, allergy, etc. Siblings don’t necessarily always follow the same hair loss path, so I wouldn’t get too concerned just yet.
The best approach for you would be to see a good doctor and have your hair bulk analysis done every year, which will show the appearance of hair loss and indicate if you should start treating it. This test is the best way to diagnose hair loss and it will pick up the hair loss even before you can see it. It is also a good way to follow the effectiveness of Propecia, if your doctor prescribes this medication to you to treat any early hair loss that may come about.
My brother is only 13 months younger than me. I developed a Norwood 3 loss in my late 20s which responded to propecia very well and had excellent regrowth back to a Norwood 2 stage. My brother is a Norwood 5 and started at 21 and had virtually no success with propecia at all.
Brothers can be totally different.
Also the image of your brother whilst unclear seems to show hair thinning in a small patch in amongst the side of the hair – which doesn’t look like patterned balding from this one picture. His hair appears normal in most of the front so it’d be sensible for him to check it out for all possible explanations.