My Hair Is Miniaturizing All Over
Hello Doctor. I have been reading on your website about miniaturization. I was under the impression that it just occurred on the top of the head but I believe that it is affecting me on my whole head. Is this possible? I am already on Propecia and Rogaine, and I know that you don’t endorse any other products, but a doctor told me to try Biotin. Is it possible that this would help with thickness at all? I also would like to start taking a multivitamin in morning (when I take Propecia). Would either of these take away from the benefits of Propecia? Thank you for all of your help doctor!
It is possible that miniaturization can occur all over, but how do you know your hair is actually miniaturizing? Miniaturization can only be seen under a microscope, so getting a detailed microscopic assessment of your hair throughout your scalp is the way to confirm what you are suspecting, if it is true. If you are miniaturizing all over the head then you probably do not have male pattern baldness (as a male you might have diffuse unpatterned alopecia, also known as DUPA) and drugs such as Propecia will likely not help!
I don’t see a problem taking biotin or a multivitamin with Propecia in the morning.
You say that miniaturization can only be seen under a microscope, however i am positive that it can be seen easily with the naked eye. i have a thick head of hair, and watch areas of hair on my hairline shrink over time, the hair becomes less dense and tall, and before you know it they are tiny. so who needs a microscope? this process takes about a month or so for me.