My Hair Is Now Growing Slowly All Over My Head and Body (with Photos)
Hello Dr.
I would like to know what class do I fall in the Norwood scale? My hair started growing slowly and thinning at 19 and not only on my head, but also my hair all over my body – arms, legs, eyebrows, etc. Is this normal? I am now 21.please post your answer on your site or email thank you
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You probably do not need a medical degree to look at the Norwood scale and see what your hairline looks like. You can see that your thinning seems to parallel the Norwood class 6 pattern. That suggests that if you continue to let it go, you could lose all of the hair in the thinning area… which would be a shame, as it may be treatable with medication. My opinion is just based on looking at a few photos (and not knowing anything about your medical history or family history), so you’ll want to have it double checked by a physician in person.
The analytical part comes from looking at your hair under a microscope to see if there are patterns of miniaturization or difference in bulk (which I cannot do with photos). At 21 years old, you should be concerned enough to see a good doctor and not look for a quick answer over the internet.
As for your body hair loss, this is not normally related to scalp hair loss, but it is something that you should have looked at if you’re concerned.
I am suffering from same cause like you…is there any treatment?