My Hair Turns White Then Back to My Natural Color
Hi, I’m 22 yr. old female, and I’ve had a few strands of white hair since I was like 15 yrs. old. The thing is the white hair doesn’t start growing in white immediately. First it grows in my natural hair color, then turns white, the afterwards it turns black again. it’s really weird, And i used to pluck it but now since only the root of its white, i don’t even bother anymore. what does this mean?
First of all, plucking of the hair is not good as it eventually kills the hair. I have heard of dark hair that lightens (sun causes bleaching of the hair), but I have never heard of hair that turns black after first turning white (other than in a person with hormonal altering brain tumors). My first reaction is wondering what are you doing to your hair to cause this phenomenon. Unfortunately, I have no advice for you as this is a new one for me.
Hi, I am a male 31 years old, I had few white hair (no more than 30 hairs on y head), I started MInox plus Proscar on May, and I dont know if this white hairs fall out or if this hair was repigmented , but I have no white hair at the moment.
what is Minox plus Proscar
Wow I’ll bet she slept well at night after that diagnosis, lol.